How We Work

General Sessions
At each conference the opening session provides a professional development program on a relevant topic that is of mutual benefit to all in attendance. Past topics have included; Barriers to Change, Mental Health, Innovation...
Panel Discussion
Our Corporate Partners are given the option of a 3-hour panel or two 80 minute panels. Each panel consists of five education partners. Depending on the topic, some companies prefer the two 80 minute panels, while others have found value in the 3 hour panel.
Advisory Council
Our Advisory Council consists of six Education and Corporate Partners. The Council provides advice to the ERDI Team to continually enhance the quality of the conferences and services.
The Result
The proven result is a better relationship between business and education that ultimate improves the learning experience for students in Canada. The networking and professional development have a long lasting impact on our Partners.
Added bonus
We have recently added a new element to our conference, the Wednesday prior to the opening session we have added a “nonconference”
Forum. This Forum deals with issues facing and challenging school boards/districts and corporations in the education
marketplace. These interactive discussion forum have become an exciting opportuinty for our education leaders and corporatiions
to discuss and find possible solutions together to help and better serve our learners throughout Canada.